Renowned actor, Chidi Mokeme recently shared a behind-the-scenes clip from the trending movie, Shanty Town which captured him and the BBNaija season 4 winner, Mercy Eke who also starred in the film.
In the video, Chidi Mokeme and Mercy Eke are seen telling everyone that the movie is out and urged them to go get their cinema tickets.
However, towards the end of the video, Mercy tried to tease Chidi Mokeme about their deeds in the movie but he immediately stopped her from spilling the beans.
In the clip, Mercy said: “After you don scatter my…..”
See video: Shanty Town: After You Don Scatter My Breast – Mercy Eke Tells Actor Chide As They Get Cosy In New Video (WATCH)
#shantytown #entertaiment #trending
Chidi Mokeme interfered immediately while saying: “No tell them that one.”